Saturday, September 21, 2024

In Which We Clean House


I have spent the last week organizing and cleaning out super agent Fred's apartment.  Considering it is only a studio, there certainly was a lot of crap to get through.  A huge chunk was Fred's art supplies. Photographic evidence supplied:


I had discovered a recycling place here in town that would take art supplies.  They had very clear standards about what they would take, but they would even come and haul them off IF you packed them up in specific boxes and there had to be at least six boxes.  No problem hitting the minimum box.  Photographic evidence applied: 
I spent all day packing paints and brushes and who knows what.  Artist esoterica, that's what.  Then I went to the recycler's website to arrange for them to come schlep it all off only to be met by a notice there saying they were taking a break from donations.  As you can see in the picture above, the windows were all blocked with the flotsam and jetsam I have been dealing with which was fortunate because otherwise I would have thrown myself out one.

I lay in bed that evening crippled and concerned the cats would figure out I was too weak to fend them off and they would eat me, all the while trying to conceive a plan that would allow me to unload nine very heavy boxes of art supplies.  That's when I remembered my old friend Craigslist.  When I sold my house, I put a listing on there announcing free crap and there was a line out the door on the day of the crap fest.  Following that plot, I posted a listing for Fred's stuff and within 12 hours I had agreed to meet some guy over there who was the lucky winner of all the equipment a budding artist could want. 

I also now have more than 200 responses in my email from Craigslist aficionados, but first come,  first serve.  Also, two things that made me glad I went with the first guy.  He was not only interested in the art stuff, but willing to take all sorts of other random junk I was trying to get rid of.  Yay.  And he was really cute in a classically California surfer boys sort of way.  Photographic evidence supplied: 
Anyway.  Everyday when I go over to the apartment and work and work, I think "Oh thank God, I'm almost through." And then the next time I come back whatever progress I made seems to have evaporated and I am confronted with a mountain of Fredtastic debris.  But after today, thanks to the Craigslist cutie, I think I am pretty much finished.  Photographic evidence supplied: 


Cute guys who may or may not be on Craigslist:

You know how fond I am of gingers.

The terror of the locker room, hopefully.

Ready to rumble.

Honestly, I'm too tired to come up with captions for nekkid guys.

The old peekaboo pose.


  1. The guy who got the supplies must be very happy. Art supplies like everything else have gone up in price bigly.

    I inherited a friend’s apartment when he died 30 years ago. What an ordeal to clear it out. I was 30 years younger. I couldn’t do it today.

    I left everything to my husband’s cousin who been part of my life for the last 35 years. She recently cleared her mother house out after she died. When she comes into my house I can see her dreading having to do this place.

    We use to go to flea markets a lot. There are collections of collections in this place. She intends to do an estate sale by hiring someone else to run it then have a trash removal service in for the rest.

    I hope your back holds up.

    1. I feel like I have experienced every point you made. God bless your husband's saintly cousin.

  2. I know from experience how difficult this is emotionally (and physically)... you are a good friend. Me ke aloha BozB

    1. Thanks sweetie, I really appreciate the emotional support.

  3. Heavens. What a chore! Thank heavens for pretty California surfer boys - and all the other assorted man-meat, of course...

    Now take some ibuprofen and take a rest... Jx

    1. I am relishing the fact I have nothing to do today. And that is exactly what I'm going to do.

  4. Honestly, I don't know if there's a better feeling knowing you've given a king's ransom to someone who could really use it.

    I think it can be called a mitzvah. You actually did 2.
    Not bad, not bad at all.

  5. I know it is difficult, but you're doing a good thing. As for surfer boy: I haven't seen that kind of mousse abuse since the early '80s!
    Anonymous, too

  6. Wow! Secret Agent Fred had so many awesome art supplies! I would have taken them if not for the pesky ocean and continent between us (and I'm not California Surfer Boy cute - or any type of cute, for that matter - either).
    You did a brilliant job, peenee. And so methodical and organised judging by the photos of that same table loaded with different supplies - I'm VERY impressed!

  7. Okay, NOW you’re finished! God love ya.


In Which We Rock Out

  As a proud little baby hippie, back in the late '60s during the waning days of both the Nixon administration and the age of Aquarius, ...