Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Interweb Wonders

You know what we have here?

We have a Japanese Lady passionately entwined with a squid, that's what. Things that have no possible explanation fascinate me. Much in the same way as this cephalapod lovin bitch captures my wonder, so too do the many, many spam emails I get about porn involving busty young nubiles in the cow shed. I get no other porn spam and yet daily I average a dozen or more invitations to see some young Lady (frequently named Brittany) do the nasty with some farm animal. How did I wind up on this particular mailing list? Is it karma? Why don't I ever get invited to visit Muscular Young Brazilian Twin Body Builders Who Can Open a Beer Bottle Without Using Their Hands? Huh?


  1. Well, since I am the administrator for MuscularYoung BrazilianTwinBodyBuildersWhoCanOpenaBeerBottle, I'll sign you right up! No charge!

  2. you're my hero.

    Let me know if you need any help with auditions.

  3. I don't remember where I saw this, either in the sex museum in Amsterdam or in the internet when my husband was looking for an octopus for his new tattoo. Either way, I think is creepy.

  4. It's definitely creepy. Very creepy.

  5. I don’t know it’s strangely erotic and sort of turns me on. I think it has to do with the eight arms aspect.

  6. I think Brittany is a muscular young Brazilian twin who can open a beer can without using her hands, ironically enough.

    And I love the Shunga.

  7. Love that image.

  8. What about it is MORE creepy? Octopi 'lingus? Or that she is suckign his tentacle?

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In Which We Rock Out

  As a proud little baby hippie, back in the late '60s during the waning days of both the Nixon administration and the age of Aquarius, ...