Thursday, May 22, 2008

mrpeenee on the Verge of a Nervous Breakdown

I'm mad at Netflix, or the universe, whichever is responsible. I've had Women on the Verge of a Nervous Breakdown on our queue there for more than a year and it's still not available. How can the greatest movie ever made not be released? It's a travesty, I tell you, a travesty.


  1. I'm sure the Velvet Mafia or one of the Homo Cartels has bought up every copy and is using the shortage to bring the world to its knees, one gay at a time.

  2. Say it ain't so!!!! I was truly just about to put that in my netflix queue. Well shit.

  3. Mr.Peenee, I was searching on an spanish website, and is true, the new remastered version of the movie hasn't come out yet. And it doesn't have english subtitles. So I assume netflix is waiting for that version and also they'll have to wait until they put subtitles.
    In the meantime, I tried to search and there are some dvds available on ebay and amazon. Probably your best bet is to buy it.
    Or to prepare a delicious "Gazpacho a la carmen maura" to those at netflix.... :-P

  4. My plan was to sneak over to Netflix's house and throw their phone out the window, but I got distracted.

    I should mention I saw Volver and was enchanted all over again by Carmen Maura. She's genius and still looks as fabulous as she did twenty years ago.

  5. Oh I have to agree. I absolutely LOVE her. I must recommend two other movies with her, "WHat have I done to deserve this" By Almodovar and "La comunidad" by Alex de la Iglesia (which i think I recommended to you before). I have the dvd of the first one, so I can send it to you if Netflix doesnt have it. :-)

  6. See, first Miss Janey and Elizabeth and now Noelia. Those fathead conservatives had better stop trembling and run while they still can.

  7. I LOVE What Have I Done to Deserve This. I think of it as the best example of Almodovar style. I'm off to Netflix now to sign up for La comunidad. Thanks.

  8. Oh NOES!

    Miss J loves the Netflix... They better not be slippin'... They will get a letter and a scratchin'.

  9. I love this movie. I love Almodovar. I love you. And I love me.

  10. I own this on DVD, does that make me part of the problem or the solution? I DON'T KNOW.


  11. Knowing that it's available in Australia just makes me want to move to the Antipodes. If this wasn't the end of the Bush regime, I would.

  12. You can buy ALL of Almodovar's films in Oz, as singles and some even as box sets. Even the really old ones from the start of his career like "Pepi, Lucy y Bom", "Dark Habits" etc.

    Don't hate me.


In Which We Rock Out

  As a proud little baby hippie, back in the late '60s during the waning days of both the Nixon administration and the age of Aquarius, ...