Sunday, September 7, 2008

Ladies Who Lunch

A most amusing lunch at the Zuni Cafe today with our friends Anne and Mike to celebrate Anne's new position as R Man's boss and also to mourn the loss of her dachsund, or rather, one of them. Anne enjoys packs of wiener dogs and as a model of saintliness, always picks the most ancient and decrepit ones at the shelter or rescue. Lucy died on Thursday and they got a new one yesterday at SPCA, where they know her by name and welcome her intervention with problem cases.

As we were toasting the new job and dog, and Mike’s sort of new job, and our wedding license, I insisted on a toast for me not having slapped anyone at work this week. I was just making a joke, I don’t know why they all agreed wholeheartedly on that being such an accomplishment for me. I got to start hanging around with people who know me less well.


  1. Congratulations to you all and my deepest sympathies at the loss of Anne's beloved pet...

  2. Congrats to all. Sounds fun. And no one got slapped, still.

  3. Congratulations and sympathy to Anne, all rolled into one. I assume this is news that make R happy. And you, my dear Mr. P. : I continue to marvel at your self restraint.


In Which We Review

  It's been a great year so far hasn't it?  We've been reveling in cool sunny days, definitive California winter weather. And I...