Monday, September 8, 2008


I know reading about the details of somebody else's work life is less than scintillating, so let me spare you girls that and just hit the barest outline: someone that I'm working with from another organization to put on a very complicated and big deal event just got the axe from his agency, leaving me scrambling and ready to shriek like the high point of a B 52's song. The upside? A whiff of scandal. Ooooh. Everyone's being terribly discreet, but you know how it is, an unfinished sentence here, a lifted eyebrow there, nothing untoward, of course, because we're all ever so professional. But I got my Nancy Drew sweater set on and I am on the trail of dirt; plus I have a friend in the guy's former office. A mole, could it be more fabulous? Today, speaking with her, I swore I wasn't interested in the sordid details that she's not supposed to be sharing anyway. Next week, I'll suggest lunch or, better still, drinks. I predict to have the case cracked by Tuesday, September 23, maybe by noon, certainly no later than COB.


  1. You're terrible...

    Now you've got me all curious, and I have no idea what the hell you're talking about...

  2. Oh Lu honey, I know. And I am deeply ashamed. heehee.

  3. But do you have a snappy blue roadster, a eunuch boyfriend named Ned, and two chums to go a-sleuthing with you?

  4. If memory serves, weren't the two chums sort of dyke-y? Lesbeterians that dare not speak their muff-diving love?

    Ned, on the other hand. Definitely gayboy.

  5. "George" Fayne was definitely a dyke -- cropped hair, tailored clothes, brash attitude and all. Her blonde cream puff cousin, Bess Marvin, was variously described as "pretty," "pleasingly plump," and basically a dithering fool -- I picture Jean Smart in "Designing Women," junior league.

  6. ALWAYS act disinterested and show no emotion whatsoever when the major scoopage drops in your lap. Then dash to a keyboard; you had me at "COB"...

  7. Keep us informed please. Enquiring minds want to know... ;)


In Which We Check In on the Panty Music Scene

  Here: I don't usually bother with videos here at mrpeenee International because I find trying to post them to be too much trouble.  Jo...