Thursday, December 11, 2008

Nothing Like a Dame

We hit the bright lights of theatrical San Francisco last night with our friends John and Dan by going to the see Dame Edna Live and Intimate In Her First Last Tour. We'd seen the old girl's last two shows when she blew through town; both were plenty, plenty funny, but the second one had seemed like enough of a retread (the word "stale" hung in the air) that we hadn't planned to go to this one, but John popped up with tickets and suddenly we were off for a night of audience bashing and the astonishingly klutzy hoofing she specializes in.

It's true there's an air of familiarity to these shows (perhaps "fond memories" would be a more accurate, or charitable, description,) but I also laughed until my face hurt, so I'm not complaining.

A huge part of the show are the gladiolas she tosses into the crowd throughout the show, and especially at the end. We were about eight rows back, safe from the interaction with audience that's such an amusing part of the act, so I never expected to snag a gladdie, much less have it literally fall into my lap, but it did. The queen in front of me started to turn around as if she was going to snatch it up, but I hissed at her and she settled right down.



  1. Ha! That'll teach her to grab your gladiola, as it were.... Nothing wrong with a bit of comfortably familiar humor, especially in the doldrums of winter. Sounds fun.

  2. Nobody takes the Glad out of your lap!

  3. Isn't she heaven? I was a gladdie-grabber years ago in London - she did the "phone your babysitter, possums" routine and I nearly messed myself.

    It's the kind of thing one really should see whenever the chance arises, because someday it won't, and we'll all be the poorer for it.

    I'm presuming that in SF her material is especially My Son Kenny-rich?

  4. I adore her!!!

    Sad to say, she is getting up there in years now. Let's enjoy her while we can... :)

  5. I NEVER miss her shows here! I particularly liked:

    "It's tough, decorating a home; so expensive. Why this poor dear has resorted to making her own clothes. Look at her..."

    I wet myself EVERY time. Glad you snagged a gladdie, possum!

  6. Oh, Mr. Peenee! Thanks you so very much for this image, which is now imbedded in MIss J's mind as if she witnessed it herself.

  7. Saw here "return" show on Broadway years ago...She is such a stitch! Love Dame Edna!

  8. "...and I intend to give each one of you the love and attention you deserve...depending on the amount of money you paid for your tickets!"

  9. I would have paid to sit in row 9 just to see you hiss

  10. I would have paid to sit in row 9 just to see you hiss

  11. I would have paid to sit in row 9 just to see you hiss


In Which We Check In on the Panty Music Scene

  Here: I don't usually bother with videos here at mrpeenee International because I find trying to post them to be too much trouble.  Jo...