Monday, December 6, 2010

And We Have a Winner

Our panel of judges (Diane von Austinburg, my cat Saki, and some guy from Psychic Friends Network who talks to me when I'm not wearing my aluminum foil hat) has selected the winner of the mrpeenee Sweepstakes

But before we announce the lucky winner, let me just thank everyone who played; you were all just as delightfully potty-mined as I had hoped. It's so good to have some things you can depend on.

Also, our congratulations go out to Designing Wally as Miss Congeniality
for his poetic entry:
it is a pocket sconce.
fabricated lovingly by a charming pubescent boy who adores his mother and flowers..
made in his junior high school art class, he received an A+, and got big wet kisses on both cheeks from his art teacher...

And the winner is:
Congrats old darling. Send me your mailing address and we'll have whatever the hell that thing really is winging its way to you. Soonish.


  1. Oh, my! I really wasn't expecting this! I am deeply touched! I'd like to start by thanking the Academy for even considering me for this great honor. Thank you to the celebrity judges, and to our gracious host. And thanks to all the little people---you know who you are---I love your show on cable. My parents, Mom, Dad, I love you! Special thanks to Kanye West, whaddup dawg? Or whatever. And most of all, thanks to the houseboys, who will undoubtedly break this beauteous objet d'art before I ever see it.

  2. I demand a recount.

    Actually, I don't.

    I just wish I had paid enough attention to participate in this singularly most amazing contest.


    Next time.

    Well done, Thombeau!

  3. Oh, Thom only won because he himself was the "charming pubescent boy who adored his mother and flowers"
    And made it "in his junior high school art class" for which "he received an A+, and got big wet kisses on both cheeks from his art teacher..."


  4. I should like to know if Saki accepted a bribe.

    Nonetheless, congratulations to Thom and Wally!

  5. That's me, the perpetual, Miss Congeniality-
    (I think they make a cream for that now)....

    Ooo! That Jason sure is the smart one!

  6. I'm so very glad this was awarded. Congrats to Thombeau and to all who participated! You're all winners. Really. Really, you are (read that in Katherine Hepburns' voice).

  7. Who knew Thombeau was so handsome!


In Which We Check In on the Panty Music Scene

  Here: I don't usually bother with videos here at mrpeenee International because I find trying to post them to be too much trouble.  Jo...