Saturday, November 19, 2011

Cat Tales

I named our adorable and evil cat "Saki" after the writer H.H. Munro, who used that as his pen name. However, I'm pretty sure the cat thinks his name is "Goddam It, Get Off My Nuts," since that's what he hears the most.

All of the cats I have lived with have been lap kittehs. That's part of the appeal, ten feline pounds curled up purring and keeping you warm. But all of them have always stepped squarely on my testicles when climbing on board. What's with that? Are they asserting dominance? Saying hello? And while it's been annoying with past holders of the Cat of the House title, Saki is the one who moves with the least amount of cat-like grace. When he pounds his lead-foot way across the boys, there is no ignoring it.

Lucky for him he's adorable.


  1. God I miss my ('our') cat.

    (he stayed behind with the EXbf)

  2. It's like their feet have Testicle Sensors.

  3. After living with Nigel for more than a year, I've concluded that male cats just aren't as gracefule as the females. Clumsy, but loveable, oafs.

    Tell Saki hey.

  4. someone's dropping big xmas gift hints!

    you need a cup!

  5. My neighbour called her cat Mrs Havisham after a character in her favourite book, Great Expectations by Charles Dickens. So when I bought a kitten, I called it Madame Ranevskaya after a character in Chekov's Uncle Vanya, to let my neighbour know I'm much better read than she is.

  6. Oneupmanship with cats, very noble. Are you through rubbing your brass?

  7. hopefully, the claws stay in? crimeny, i'm cringing at the thought... if I go to pick up my cat when she's in my lap, she puts out the claws and digs in to my leg. i can't imagine if it were...other things.

  8. What a Coincidence! I've just finished reading "Pussy's Revenge" by "Claude Balzac"

  9. Those kitties are treading a well-worn path...


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  Here: I don't usually bother with videos here at mrpeenee International because I find trying to post them to be too much trouble.  Jo...