Tuesday, July 17, 2012

The Old Dears

I happen to know the bodice on that titian haired temptress  is relying heavily on staples.
Sweeties, mrpeenee will be distracted over the next few days as I pay host to our dearest, oldest friend, Rich, aka Rikee, aka the Felonious Tart, aka Magda visiting from New Orleans.  We have been friends so long, I don't even remember why I refer to him as Magda.   I believe it has something to do with tambourines, but then so many things do, don't they?

One long ago Mardi Gras, he watched over me while I was so loaded I was unable to do anything except lie on the floor of my bathroom, tripping, tripping, tripping.  At least, he did until he went out for a drink, but he came back.  And isn't that the mark of a true friend?

We always used to make jokes to each other about winding up being old ladies together and now, here we are. My, my, my.  Could be worse.  Could be dead.


  1. Reminds me of of my oldest, nearest and dearest, who I refer to as "The Old Whore."

    The difference being that I remember why he's an "old whore."

    1. NIce to have someone who has your back, even if they're on theirs.

  2. Speaking of old whores, looks like YOUR bodice has already been ripped.

    1. Saves time. Whenever something like that happens, pretend it's supposed to look that way by muttering "Comme des Garcons."

  3. Enjoy darling. Long histories with people tend to make the jokes seem funnier.

    1. I'm laughing already and he's not even here yet.

  4. oooh..have fun. Not that I'm jealous or anything. Nope.

  5. Oh, do tell the dear boy I say "hey"!

  6. Does Magda have a blog?

    If so, does she dish the dirt on your old escapades?

  7. Have a most wonderful time!

    Last month I had some get-togethers with friends I've known for thirty years. It was great! There's a sense of complete acceptance and unconditional love with such old friends.

  8. San Francisco has survived a lot -- those big earthquakes, for example -- but can it survive the combination of Mr. Peenee, the Felonious Tart, and the Evil and Adorable Saki?

    I don't know, but I will be monitoring the news wires to find out.

    And wouldn't duct tape have been less painful to hold that bodice up?

  9. being old together is so very much more amusing than being dead together. this is why kabuki has not iced Felix of Hollywood. yet.

  10. Wonderful to have such long time friends. And damn, Peenee, that arm is ripped.

  11. Wonderful to have such long time friends. And damn, Peenee, that arm is ripped.

  12. Neither of you have changed a bit since 8 o'clock this evening. Change, already!

  13. Indeed, it could be worse. Hope all is well in Mr. PeeNee's Playhouse. I've not been around here for ages.


In Which We Check In on the Panty Music Scene

  Here: I don't usually bother with videos here at mrpeenee International because I find trying to post them to be too much trouble.  Jo...