Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Scissor Sisters~I Don't Feel Like Dancing

Because my life would be improved if i had really tight, shiny purple pants.


  1. You should wear those pants to the in-law's! Really!

  2. My love for them continues apace since seeing Jakey interview Dolly. He was starstruck and/or smitten and they were sprawled out on a satiny bedspread and then sang together and omg......

  3. I tried to get Mr. P to buy those pants once, when we were thrifting, but couldn't talk him into it. . . .

  4. I'm in a pair right now, but depsite earnest hopes nothing obscene has happened to me yet. :(

  5. AsI understand it, obscene things happen when one is out of them.


In Which We Are Arty

  When we were in Paris in April (and I love any story where I'm able to casually mention I was in Paris recently. Ooh la la.) anyway, w...