Friday, February 27, 2009

All Good Things

Stacey's, my favorite bookstore for years, is closing. In January, they announced the end was near and they've had signs up stating they would shut down in "mid March" (so bookish to have a vague description rather than a hard date.) I've watched the shelves empty as stock is not replaced, but I hadn't been in there for a couple of weeks and it was startling to see today that the whole place is more than half-empty.

I know, I know, bookstores everywhere are a dying breed. But Stacey's (less than a block form my office! Dammit!) was the best you could ask for in a book seller. They had the best stock, were spotlessly clean, and most of the people there were always pleasant. Their emphasis was always books, and not books some marketing flack was peddling as a tie-in to some upcoming movie. Books that were reliably interesting. I'd stop in a couple of times a month and never left without finding something. How often can you say that about some other store?

So, come "mid March" the world will be slightly dimmer. It's not the end of the world, I understand, but, oh my, it hurts.


  1. Everyday I learn of another casualty. Hopefully this new millennial economy will kill off the large corporations that monopolize sectors and bring back the smaller more intimate Mom & Pop varieties. I’m beginning to think that the only survivors will be the Dollar stores.

  2. Sorry to hear of another small business going under, especially a book store.

    Miss Janey's beginning to think the only survivors will be the cockroaches. And Cher, of course.

  3. Sad stores selling cockroaches and Cher for a dollar. I'm going to go trademark it right now.

  4. Oh honey, I'm saddened and horrified. Who knew my last visit to Stacy's would really be my last?

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. That is horribly tragic!

    We're losing the damn BORDERS on Michigan Avenue here come January 2010. Go figure; the place is always busy.

    Seems a long way off...


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  Here: I don't usually bother with videos here at mrpeenee International because I find trying to post them to be too much trouble.  Jo...