Thursday, October 25, 2007

Panty Parade

The divine Diane von Austin berg would like us to believe she sees a parallel between the Vuitton photo from the New York Times story on underwear as outerwear and the shot of mrpeenee's sashay up Dauphine Street in the French Quarter after some long ago Southern Decadence. It's possible she's flattering me, it's equally possible she's deluded. You know how she is.
For the record, I am not the one with the muffin top.


  1. The dear girl is brilliant and very observant. It's all there. The cut on your panties is even the same. I wonder if they're saluting you?

  2. Oh, great. Now I've got two delusionals on my hands.

  3. Well, I'll say this much: You both have style! Just curious, have you and my frequent commentor "Tugboat Dave" in NOLA ever crossed paths? He seems to be more a part of the more recent Southern Decadence crowd but a native of Louisiana and sassy in a whole different way.

  4. junky-
    I only know Tugboat Dave from his lovely, lovely blog, which I found through you (thanks.) Lots of the images he posts of his neighborhood are very familar, but I think he's too much younger than me for me to have known him.

  5. I have a feeling that for you, everyday is "Southern Decadence".

  6. For me, every day is a John Waters' film festival, like it or not.

  7. You know, drag or not, you've got great shoulders.

  8. Wait a minute? Louis Vuitton sells panties now?!

    Nice gams, btw.

  9. You're all either much too kind or else much too myopic.

  10. Please. I'm stone-cold sober (well, right now) and serious. And Wesley is my new friend.

  11. I think you need to do a "who wore it best?" US Weakly style poll.

  12. "who wore it best?" Need you ask? One of us has style, panache, a justly deserved swaggering strut. The other looks like she got the back of her skirt stuck in her pantyhose after a quick trip to the toilet (hint: it's not me.)


In Which We Are Arty

  When we were in Paris in April (and I love any story where I'm able to casually mention I was in Paris recently. Ooh la la.) anyway, w...