Thursday, May 21, 2009

Almost Through

I’d just like to point out two things:

1) The picture in the "mrpeenee's Annual Crazy Week Begins" post of the rather podgy guy with unattractive glasses IS NOT ME. The very idea. I Googled “pictures of crazy guys” and found him and never dreamed anyone would confuse us. I am, after all, still the top model on the East Coast. Although the kitty does rather resemble Saki, especially when I dress him up in his tin foil hat.

Also, I notice no one has ever conused me with one of the houseboy pictures.Hmm.

2) This morning represents a very short reprieve in the madness of our festive week. I have organized, run around and charmed, charmed, charmed. The flow of small talk continues unabated, in between bouts of rearranging the furniture in our training room. Nineteen tables and 46 chairs and I have moved each and every one of them at least three times in the last two days, plus dragging in scores of extra seating from all over the floor. The last thing I did Monday evening before rushing off to the City Hall gala was to move 16 chairs in there. Walking in the next morning I was confronted with all of them having been neatly returned to the conference room by our slightly retarded receptionist because “They were in the wrong place,” much like his brains.

Anyway. The good thing is that all the events except one have been huge hits, standing room only, rave reviews. The one exception was a seminar that had almost 70 people registered and only 10 showed up. The technical term for that is “bomb” and I need to turn my attention to spinning how it’s really, really a good thing for the sponsors who paid for it, but right now I need to go move chairs. The end is in sight, thank the goddess.

Editor's note: Before I could actually get this posted, I had to stop and run fix the PowerPoint show for the panicky banker presenting the 9:00 class, proving the end is in sight, but not here yet.


  1. actually, I thought you were the cat.

  2. The picture in the "mrpeenee's Annual Crazy Week Begins" post of the rather podgy guy with unattractive glasses IS NOT ME. The very idea. I Googled “pictures of crazy guys” and found him and never dreamed anyone would confuse us.

    And by “anyone” Mr. Peenee means me.

    Which one of these two do you more closely resemble then?

    *Mistress MJ is aware that she is in for a bitch slapping like never before…stay tuned for the exciting fallout!*

  3. I think we all know that you're a lean, mean, sex machine!

  4. MJ
    Lemesee, there's something familiar about both of their noses.... Oh, right, it's the cocaine therein.

    It's all about the tinfoil hat.

  5. Hang in there honey. After listening to the pod cast of your radio show I feel that the small businesses of San Francisco are in excellent hands. I’m certain that Mr. Peenee has indeed presented his likeness before in the disguise of a houseboy but which one? Most likely Jurgen Morpheus.


In Which We Check In on the Panty Music Scene

  Here: I don't usually bother with videos here at mrpeenee International because I find trying to post them to be too much trouble.  Jo...