Friday, November 7, 2008

OK. OK. OK. No more whinging, no more glum woeful posts. I refuse to allow a bunch of mormon funded, oh-what-about-the-children shrieking harridans make me miserable. Wouldn't that just be handing them an even greater victory? The days are too beautiful to waste and will not last, R Man's birthday is Monday so we're making a four day weekend out of this to celebrate, we had tasty, tasty udon for dinner and besides, I'm not good at being downcast for long. It could be my sunny disposition, it could be my tiny little short attention span; whatever. I am hereby moving on.

Plus Ernesto Garimundus, the houseboy in charge of our Laundry and Wiccan Centre, says I am bumming him out and that I should stop.So what could I do?


  1. I'm so glad the Wiccan Centre will have clean laundry again!

  2. As are we all, darling, as are we all.

  3. Living well is the best revenge, as they say.

  4. Someone should tell Earnesto to separate the socks from the underwear.


In Which We Rock Out

  As a proud little baby hippie, back in the late '60s during the waning days of both the Nixon administration and the age of Aquarius, ...