Monday, August 10, 2009

More Dan Tits, Less Taschika. Moving in the Right Design Star Direction

Some of the most beautiful words uttered on Design Star: "Tashicka, Your Show Has been Canceled. And, By the Way, You're an Untalented, Whiny, Gasbag Hack." Even better, the way the judges finally just admitted they were not even going to pretend to deliberate about it, but just shove her ass out onto the street. I'm amazed they let her use the door and didn't force her to climb out a window. I would have.

Plus, finally, an all-too-brief view of Dan with his shirt off.

The competition? Uhm, I think stupid might be the word I'm looking for here. You're going to convert your garage to living space, fine. Since you have it filled with crap instead of using it to store your car, why not?

So wouldn't the primary consideration on the transformation seem to be getting rid of the garage door? I mean, what else defines a big square room as a garage? And yet, neither team did, and one REPLACED the old one with nice new one. Am I missing something? Is there a new decorating rage in suburbia for a wall that rolls up to allow an unobstructed view of the driveway? Maybe if you were shooting at some wacky post-industrial mechanized biker chic, but that's not the story here.

The results? Dumb. Dull. Lot of shrieking around and flailing and hard work, but no pay off. Plus the ceilings are just raw old garage wood. I'm starting to think none of these guys are exactly design Einstiens.

Lastly, this one got lambasted for being dull.Well, yes, but honey, they're shopping at Sears. I think they should be commended for not winding up with Early American wagon wheel chandiliers.

I also still claim Nathan, the tiny little gay elf, might be a Hidden Talent. If he can survive being on teams that suck, we'll see. And I still can't tell the two blondes Ladies apart.


  1. darn it! I missed the whole thing....again.

    I've been too busy researching "Paul Baressi: Gay Porn Daddy" for the past few hours.

  2. I called the blonds matters not to which one you are referring.

  3. Miss J can only assume that someone's Nanna is moving in...It was this or a nursing home, but with the market in the shape its in, the kids just couldn't swing it financially so they fixed up the garage and dumped her back there.

    Oh, well- it still beats the nursing home.

  4. DesEignstein!

    Miss j is right. It's a place to dump granny or to stick your adult kid who moved back home because s/he can't find a job. Putting in a window would only allow the neighbors to see what a loser s/he is. Can't have that!

  5. No 'garage as sex pit' themes? What a dull season...


In Which We Check In on the Panty Music Scene

  Here: I don't usually bother with videos here at mrpeenee International because I find trying to post them to be too much trouble.  Jo...