Monday, October 15, 2007

News You Can Use

Torn from the headlines in today’s Chronicle:

“He told police he just wanted to take the grandchildren out for a spin and treat them to some food at an area drive-in restaurant.

But a police officer warned the man that hauling four unrestrained children, all around age 4, on a busy street in a 15-foot motorboat pulled by a lawnmower isn't a good idea.

The 61-year-old man drove to Beckley's King Tut Drive-In on Saturday afternoon from his home in the nearby community of Bowling Addition.

Even though he was driving an unregistered, uninspected vehicle on city streets, the man wasn't charged. Patrolman Jamie Blume said he didn't think the man willfully put his grandchildren in danger.

However, the man was told to call for someone else to pick up the children and have them restrained in child safety seats.”

I love the idea of dropping into a grease joint named the “King Tut Drive-In” but even better would be to reside in “Bowling Addition.” Man, I am so jealous.


  1. Hmmm...can't say cast stones.

    I've ridden down the highway in a boat myself as a child....although not pulled by a lawnmower (which sounds pretty cool)....or, alas, going to The King Tut Drive In (which is the coolest of all).

  2. The element of the lawnmower does set this above the average idiot white trash story doesn't it?


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